Saturday, October 25, 2008

My inflated two cents

Today I feel especially gregarious in dispensing my solutions to current global crises. **Warning, this content contains psychological nudity**

Problem: 18% rise in food allergies among children since 1997.
Proposed Solution: Milk, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and egg comestibles accounted for over 90% of the recorded allergic reactions. Studies too good for the intellectual community to include in their smarmy scientific publications convincingly point to a consistent diet of Chipotle burritos as a healthy alternative to "opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals," and other child allergens.

Problem: Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis
Proposed Solution: We need to build a time machine and send back Jim Cramer as the Investinator.

Problem: Flatulence
Proposed Solution: Activa Yogurt

Problem: Rising Costs of Healthcare
Proposed Solution: Two possible solutions. 1) Adopt a Universal Healthcare System or 2) Hire Nicholas Cage and the rest of the cast of National Treasure to scour the Earth in search of the Fountain of Youth.


Jane said...

"Gregarious?" Is today big word day and I didn't get the memo?
and I'm in favor of anything that involves Nicholas Cage.

Liliya said...

how about you run for the next elections:)

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of your solutions. So clever and easy to digest. I am, however, anxiously awaiting the next installment to this crazy fun blog. It giveth me goose bumps to witness the growth and development of your once petrified writing skills. Good stuff growing here.
Please add some more aqua and joy juice for our blogging pleasure.