Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Que pasa conmigo?

My body is trying to tell me something important, though in a foreign language. I'm just trying to figure out how a 27 year old, relatively disease-free individual, could contract a 2+ week episode of furiously constant (nigh unto insanity) heartburn having no prior history of acid reflux? Diet changes and acid-reducing drugs seem to have only temporary effect.

I suspect fowl play.


Jane said...

What did you eat, a red hot turkey?
Aaaand you need to remember the genetic disposition of things like this. Who are your relatives?

Jane said...

Hope it's better soon.
Invest in a lot of milk.

mary said...

If you're like me you've googled the heck out of heartburn. If not, there's a bacterial infection that can cause it. Antibiotics might help.