It has been said that if you're not confused, you're not paying attention. Well that would perfectly describe my day at work; a day-long conference full of power point slides busting at the margins with too much information. The poor gentlemen sitting in front of me (who I found out later was a genius) kept nodding off during the presentations. It took all the control I had not to focus on his bobbing head, and for a moment I felt as if I had finally prevailed, but then like the yank of a lawn mower cord his head would jerk back up only to tragically repeat history once more.
So this brings up a good question: how do you stay awake at work? Let me share a few exercises that can be done right in the privacy of your own cubicle; however, if that's not an option, try the parking lot or an abandoned elevator shaft. First, raise one foot and try balancing while periodically bringing one hand to your nose. This will probably look silly so you should only do this if you are not overly self conscious and/or have a sweet headband:
And if exercise isn't your thing, then perhaps eating is. Raisins get the saliva glands pumping, ripe apples always have a good kick and opening a can of tuna is like opening a can of 'Hello World' ocean potpourri. Crazy as they sound they all work and will keep you working, right up until it's time to go to the restroom.
I'm you fall asleep in the restroom? Does visiting the restroom MAKE you sleepy?
Thanks for the chuckles :D
Not possible for moi to sleep on the job. 'Twould be a headliner disaster
in a public school class. The less you're paid, the less you sleep?
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