By faithful obedience in keeping the commandments, the Lord prepares a path for us to cross our individual "seas" (obstacles) wherein we will be led to "better lands" (finding greater spiritual fulfillment and joy).
And for the activity, rather than building a sea-bearing vessel to cross the great ocean, I thought it only fitting that we construct the Orion Crew Exploration Capsule to cross the immensity of space; all from a cut-out!
The ensuing activity turned into a lesson of extreme patience, as many tiny and fragile pieces needed to be carefully removed and folded with surgical precision. Twice, the space vehicle was rushed to the high bay for advanced welding repairs (scissors & tape). After an hour I awoke the wife, already suffering the drowsy effects of four dimensional space travel, to christen the HMS Liahona. Great Success!
Holy Light Speed, Batman! Was that vessel was built during ONE F.H.E.?!
Impressive, albeit, the crew slipped into stasis.
I find it amazing you have things like that just laying around the house waiting to be used.
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