29 revolutions around the sun and I now have come to understand that not all woks are created equal. Indeed, the carbon steel wok is the grand-daddy of them all, and more seasoned they are the tastier the food. This may look like copper, but it ain't so:
'Seasoning' prepares the wok for cooking. This sometimes lengthy process is well documented using both stove-top and oven: Seasoning Method. One not-so pleasant side-effect was the waft of metallic-oil fumes, though nothing a fan or two couldn't handle. The lovely wife sent words of encouragement from the far side of the apartment. How sweet.
I may be yet a young grasshopper in the field of stir-fry-topia, but timid I am not.
It's true - and they are not kidding about seasoning the whole thing either.
I don't have a copper wok though.
I watched the cooks in the Chen family restaurant cook with their mighty woks. Flames 2 feet high. Fast 'n furious. Awesome to behold. Those woks weren't as pretty as yours. Enjoy!
I see that your bro made brief claim to your old title; namely, "I Am The Mighty Tiki God."
Are you really going to let this challenge go unanswered? All who have experienced the mighty roar of the original Tiki God, aka D.T.K., will never forget your claim to fame. YouTube your famous roar, please; and reclaim your rightful title.
Words are cheap. Roars Rock.
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