So what do young single engineers do on a Friday night? Calculate root mean squares? Well as typical as that may sound then would it surprise you to find them singing Neil Diamond karaoke to a restaurant full of inebriated Hispanics? I got to go to a Hispanic culture night and speak Spanish (finally) with a bunch of students from Latin American countries. It was such a blast, except for the part during the Honduran "Sucia" dance when out came some hideously masked witch pelvic thrusting like machine gun fire. Later in the evening at a celebratory gathering the party mood got roudy and took off when someone rigged up a karaoke machine. After much egging and many Spanish ballads, two other co-workers and myself got up and sang 'Sweet Caroline;' oh oh oh glad you didn't hear it.
How awesome. I love that man. Have for years. He's playing three concerts here in The Jungle, right now! Ack.
Dang it, I wish I'd seen it!! You uys need to do that again and get someone to tape it. Then use that tape to blackmail your friends. I think that was a great selection for you, but for your next endeavor, might I suggest something by Meatloaf? I see you doing well as a large overacting operatic rock star....
hello, you got a blog as well? yesss! im putting you on my list! love to hear more about your NY adventures
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