New low-cost space deployment is a reality in part to the recent success of the private venture SpaceX. With a potential price tag of 7.9 million US dollars (or 85.3 million Mexican pesos) this reusable launch vehicle promises to shorten the gap between the cosmos and mankind. But what does all this cheap space talk mean to you and me average Joes and Janes (or Juanes y Julias)? If I am correct in my thinking it means we have very little time before we start seeing Nike Ads visible from Space. Can you endorse a planet, or a moon? These questions and more will become reality thanks to overly eager advertisement firms wishing to brand the final frontier with "Your Ad Here."
Dude, you're so esoteric. What's a girl supposed to say to that? I'm pretty sure I won't be going into space, no matter who endorses it. I don't like those whirly things at the amusement park. 4G of force is not going to make me happy.
Impressive musings.
Ads and credit...they be what makes the world go round. But lately they seem to be part of what's bringing it down.
You might be on to something.
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