Saturday, April 25, 2009


It's 85 degrees Fahrenheit here and the beach is so far! But even that didn't stop me from buying swimming trunks today. Ever since I got back from San Diego last week from my brother's wedding I have been craving Mexican food like no one's business and it just so happens that I live in the one part of the country more aloof and unaware of the glorious comestibles south of the border. While keeping my healthy addiction at bay may be a good thing, not feeding my taco-dependent body has been linked to the following symptoms:

Unexplained Rage
Taste Bud Revolting, and

Luckily I was able eat enough to avoid developing any of these symptoms, and instead experiencing:

Stretch Marks,
*Weight Gain, and
Complete Nirvana (thanks Rhys and Liz!)

* - Sadly effects are only temporary

My Calling Card


Rocketgirl said...

"Saddly temporary."

(Said best with nose plugged doing awesome Beeker impersonation). Sadly even more, I don't know where our closest Chipotle is...

Jane said...

Dude, it's sad, but the nearest Chipotle to you is in Saratoga Springs. Or New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you dude. I would go through Chipotle withdrawal too. There is nothing so good as American-Mexican food. -Anne