Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eternal Perspective

It's February and getting closer to marking a year living here in upstate New York. I can't help but think about the future and where I see myself a year from now. Growing up as a child I always knew that following year I would progress to the next grade. Life was simple back then, relatively speaking. Plotting the course to pursue in life year-by-year was never a mystery to me, however, I'm discovering that the basic equations of life I used back then are beginning to unravel into arrays of abstract theories and disjointed proofs. To say it another way, I'm asking more the "why's" and "how's", not the "when's" and "where's".

All of this thinking has prompted me to remember to always keep an eternal perspective in all that I do. Having this beyond-line-of-sight can help clear the less-insignificant cobwebs and obstructions in life that creep up all around. It makes the little things each day worth living and the big things just that much more. In essence, having an eternal perspective helps one find joy in the journey.

My random thought for the day is brought to you by the letter A, as in air. Air has many stunning uses as you know and one of particular awesomeness is insulation. I guess everything is an insulator to some degree, but next time you unplug a current-happy cord from an electrical socket and sparks shoot out, think about how wonderful air is for keeping you safe from Mr. Zap and his ionizing buddies.


Jane said...

There are some definite random jumps in your subject matter. I will definitely remember about the air when sparks fly the next time - thanks!

Anonymous said...

GOALS. They be what saved my bacon.
And when I looked back on the vast landscape of life I barely escaped I realized I had achieved most all the goals I had pondered on. And, incidentally, those goals seemed to bunch naturally into 10-year periods.
Go figure.