Cornell is the kind of school that the typifies the movie 'Dead Poet's Society.' As I walked the corridors of the gothic-like construction I could almost hear the paintings on the wall of generations past chant "Carpe Diem" - or perhaps it was my stomach fond of a lunch break.
I had a blast, met a lot of new friends and even managed to get my groove on. One of the crazy activities Saturday night was a battle royal of Ice Soccer and it's pretty much what the name implies. Picture an ice rink, two goals, a soccer ball and ~30 people falling all over their rumps feverishly attempting to dribble the ball in street shoes. It's a miracle no one managed to crack their skull open but honestly I cannot remember the last time I had this much fun. Slide tackles and body checking were no strangers on the ice but rather a sense of the vertical. Needless to say we were all incredibly sore the next day in church - and there was much rejoicing...
What's amusing about your story is "several hours" on the East Coast suggests great distance. On the West Coast that's what's needed to get across town...
Now who in their right mind would play soccer on Ice? Crazy Mormons :)
Slip Slidin' Away @*%$!!CRASH!!!
Slip Slidin' Away *&!^@#BAM!!!
The more we get together
The more we're slip slidin' awaaaayyy
I echo Gregg... Mormons are SO weird. And I am so super jealous. When you get married, the ward activities involve eating. And eating. And moving people. And then eating again.
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